We Share Together

  When you first get into your
network marketing home based
business, write out your plans
and goals!

  I'm sure you've heard it said
many times before...
"Most people never plan to fail,
they simply fail to plan".

  Take the time to write out
your plans and goals.
Be realistic, but be tough
on yourself. Push yourself.
One of my favorite quotes
is "What your mind can
conceive, it can achieve".

Tanzania Team at Work

It's early of July and it’s so exciting we can see that everyone here are cheering and KARIBU to Fukang Family. A really successful meeting.


Mr Amenye monitored the whole meeting with his special tones. Full of attendants in that small but very clean room, with about 40 around. As Mr. James finished the company file and products training, the Tanzania team of Fukang Family presented local gifts to the Company, “Karibu Tanzania”, Mrs Rose invited me to be the central of show and presented their gifts. Even she can only speak Swahili; I can read the happiness and exciting from her face. Santi sana, our dear Tanzania distributors.


Mrs Rose delivered business PPT and got very positive response from the attendants. She is from Forever Living and she was asked during the session why she quit her business in that company, her answer was: Fukang is the one I can trust and develop myself, Fukang is the one I can make prosperous future. “I would choose plane award because of so much traffic jam in Dar res salaam…” as she cheered with distributors. How wonderful and really are! But most important part came from Mr Sikojo, one of local partner with Mr. James. He listed seven points that why he changed to Fukang from Forever Living. More bonus percentage, easily accessible, NO pressure from every month’s MUST sales, No worry about membership condition, wonderful special award…. His speech is peaceful without any of change of sound, but everyone was listening carefully because they know, this middle-age gentle man looked like sharing something with them from his heart and he is the one they can trust.


They cheered so much when heard of company registering and products registering process now. “I hope as soon as possible I can welcome everybody here in Fukang office of Tanzania….” After learning the meaning of FU KANG in Chinese, the excitement came as the Company delivered those senior distributors’ bonus, everyone there shared happiness as more and more surprise came when they heard FK0000287 with USD1008 bonus, that’s equivalent of Tsh1,612,800.00! How big it is!! That’s not enough, Mr James and Mr. Sikojo were rewarded with nice mobile phone for their hard work, Mrs Rose, Mrs Maria, Mr Amenye, Mr Ali, Mr George rewared with Fukang T shirt. So many of them deserved it and feel sad that they received nothing. We say, Fukang distributors, don’t be sad, this is just for June 2012, look at July now, there are more waiting for you. You will be the next one!


Almost everyone took pictures with me as the representative of Company under Fukang Compensation Plan. It’s an honor, to them and also to the Company. Only distributors together with the growth of company, we can win, we can fight, as we are together. We are a family under Fukang Roof. We share together.


Fukang Fukang, tSaifu, Jiankang! (Chinese pronunciation for Wealth and health).


Let’s look forward the forthcoming challenge and we are moving. This is first official meeting in Tanzania with representative of the Company. We can expect there are more and more successful meeting better than this, more and more trainers coming out. This is not end, it is just a start. There are about eight registered immediately and some sales. But we can see their sales are not limited like this.