We Share Together

  When you first get into your
network marketing home based
business, write out your plans
and goals!

  I'm sure you've heard it said
many times before...
"Most people never plan to fail,
they simply fail to plan".

  Take the time to write out
your plans and goals.
Be realistic, but be tough
on yourself. Push yourself.
One of my favorite quotes
is "What your mind can
conceive, it can achieve".

General Meeting for March 2012

It's second day of April and it's a little coldness in Nairobi, but it's not same cold in Fukang Nairobi office because everyone are expecting the general meeting for March.It's a surprise that Fukang pay bonus to distributors only one day after end of March.Mr Norman monitered whole meeting and GM, Ms Francis delivered important speech.Another surprise came that Fukang awards every distributors with 50BV for free provided with their points over 200BV. We didn't promise always but we do something beyond imagination.


This is company general meeting and ther would be group meeting for distributor leaders in their teams, as company recommended. Greeting and talks are always important for family members. We are Fukang Family under one roof. We share together as family members.


As GM concluded with company rules and regulations, most of attendants have their ideas for April marketing.Fukang company focus on local management and GM has the final say for local marketing and management. This is most important difference compared with other MLM companies.