We Share Together

  When you first get into your
network marketing home based
business, write out your plans
and goals!

  I'm sure you've heard it said
many times before...
"Most people never plan to fail,
they simply fail to plan".

  Take the time to write out
your plans and goals.
Be realistic, but be tough
on yourself. Push yourself.
One of my favorite quotes
is "What your mind can
conceive, it can achieve".


A warm up speech by one of our top distributors Mr. HENRY KURURAGIRE

 This was being followed by entertainment.


The C.E.O with MCs of the day

The C.E.O Fukang Uganda giving out gifts to those who attended the meeting.



One of the Mcs inviting our general manager Fukang Uganda to give a speech


Our GM announcing the raffle draw for all those who joined in May and June.


Training manager announcing July promotion.


Entertainment by one of our new distributors.


Fukang C.E.O giving his speech. He emphasized much on team work, intergrity, loyalty and taking action in this business.


The C.E.O launching toothpaste.


Raffle draw winners being awarded gifts for their participation. Every distributor who purchased     10 pieces of Fukang toothpaste had a chance to enter into the raffle draw.


Distributors had refreshments for the evening.


 The C.E.O giving out cash to other raffle draws


A group photo for all who attended the meeting.Everyone is happy!!!